
Changes in Telephone Numbers

We hereby announce that, due to an upgrading of the telephone system in the offices of the Council for Higher Education, telephone and fax numbers have been changed. 


The new numbers are as follows: 

The main telephone number is now: 02-5094444

The main fax number is now: 02-5094445 


Information and Public Inquiries

Tel.: 02-5094544

Fax: 02-5094445


Bureau of the Director-General and the Chairman of the PBC

Tel.: 02-5094500/02

Fax: 02-5094686


Administration and Human Resources Division

Tel.: 02-5094566

Administration Fax: 02-5094689

Human Resources Fax: 02-5094690 


Academic Division and Secretariat of the Council

Tel.: 02-5094400

Fax: 02-5094684


Budgeting Division

Tel.: 02-5094454

Fax: 02-5094685 


Policy and Planning Division

Tel.: 02-5094646

Fax: 02-5094685


Quality Assessment and Assurance Division

Tel.: 02-5094620

Fax: 02-5094691


Legal Bureau

Tel.: 02-5094524

Fax: 02-5094687 


Israel-Asia Relations

Tel.: 02-5094516

Fax: 02-5094517


National Tempus Office Israel

Tel.: 02-5094530

Fax: 02-5094531


I-CORE – Centers of Research Excellence

Tel.: 02-5094552

Fax: 02-5094553 


Unit for Licensing and Oversight of Foreign Branches

Tel.: 02-5094424

Fax: 02-5094431


Contracts and Commitments

Tel.: 02-5094584

Fax: 02-5094689