Pre-Academic Preparatory Programs

The pre-academic preparatory programs are a bridge to higher education for young people who are interested in optimal preparation for academia and, amongst other things, in order to meet the acceptance conditions for the undergraduate studies in the field they are interested in studying. The preparatory program passed over, during 2016/17, to the responsibility of the Higher Education Council, as part of the framework for planning, budgetary and pre-academic reform.

The activity in the pre-academic preparatory programs is conducted via three main routes – a dedicated route, a pre-dedicated route, and a matriculation route.

Students studying in institutes within the state budget, and who comply with socio-economic assessments conducted by the institute in which they are studying, are entitled to an exemption from study fees.

Dedicated Route:

This route prepares the student for academic studies in a particular field. The study-duration of this track is up to one year. In special cases, the duration is examined for possible extension, for candidates with learning disabilities or unique characteristics.

The dedicated route will prepare students in two fields: one in Humanities and Social Studies and the other in Life Sciences, Exact Sciences and Engineering (the latter can be split into two tracks; a track in Life Sciences and a track in Exact Sciences / Engineering).

Pre-Dedicated Route

This is a three-month course in which students are prepared for study on the dedicated track. This route is intended for students who cannot be accepted onto the dedicated route due to non-compliance with the threshold conditions.

Matriculation Route

This course is intended for students who wish to complete a matriculation certificate and, in particular, towards the continuation of studies in higher education institutions. The study-duration of this course is up to two years. The scope of the annual study hours allocated to each matriculation subject, depends on the study subject and the level learned, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Education.  Students on this course will be required to be examined in the regular matriculation exams of the Ministry of Education, in order to obtain a matriculation certificate. The subjects that the student will learn, will be determined by the preparatory program, in accordance with the level and subjects he lacks for matriculation, and in accordance with the academic field he has chosen for himself.

To the list of pre-academic preparatory programs