Increasing the Number of Female Academic Staff

Women in Academia

The PBC and the CHE are acting to increase awareness of gender equality in institutions of higher education as well as to increase female representation among the academic staff and as senior management at these institutions. To this end, the CHE and the PBC relied on the relevant reports by Prof. Rivka Carmi from 2011 and the report by Prof. Ruth Arnon from 2013.

To reach this goal, the following incentives were provided:

• Scholarships for outstanding female postdoctoral students in the sum of up to $80,000 (for two years).
• Scholarships for female doctoral students in high-tech fields in the sum of NIS 150,000 (for three years) and scholarships for female master’s degree students in high-tech fields in the sum of NIS 80,000 (for two years).
• Prizes in the sum of approximately 1 million shekels per year to institutions which excel in promoting and implementing gender equality.
• Dedicated budget for activities by advisors to the president on gender equality in institutions of higher education.